Designed to keep your body healthy and young

PRECIOUS PROTEIN+ for Health and Beauty
Designed to keep your body healthy and young, PRECIOUS PROTEIN+ is a carefully formulated daily protein supplement that is low in calories, but high in protein and iron.
Although our bodies depend on protein to build and repair tissue and make enzymes and hormones and other body chemicals, many of us aren’t getting sufficient protein in our daily diet. We see lots of protein powders on the market for body builders and athletes that aren’t designed for those of us, young and young at heart, who are simply looking to stay fit and healthy.
PRECIOUS PROTEIN+ is a gluten-free, pea protein-based powder that contains all 9 essential amino acids and is especially high in BCAAs. Regular use will support balanced nutrition, help build muscle, and may also aid in weight loss, toning, and keeping the skin radiant and firm. Since hair, nails, bones, and teeth are primarily made of protein, you may see improvement in these areas, as well.
Simply mix Precious Protein Plus+ with water or with soy or almond milk and enjoy a delicious, easy to drink protein shake that is easy on the body and that will give you that extra energy boost. It is also delicious with cereal, yogurt or in ice coffee. Precious Protein+ comes packaged in 30 single servings for convenience for home or for taking to work or the gym.